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She's Still in there

At She’s Still In There, our mission is rooted in resilience and empowerment.

Our Mission

She Still in there, is to help women fulfill their God – given purpose and to help them to understand that Regardless of what you may have gone through in life, the person that GOD has called you to be STILL resides on the inside of you.


We strive to live honestly and demonstrate that everything we do can be trusted and live up to the trust that others have placed in us.


We are here to understand your individual circumstances. We want to ensure the quality of life for all women in need, no matter where you are in the world. You are a strong, resilient, and determined woman and we believe in you.


We acknowledge our duty and responsibility to make the world a better place and respond in an effective way that fosters hopefulness for the future, instills a vision of what all women can be, and guide all women forward in a positive way.

About me

Meet Britney Willingham
This ministry was born from the hardships I experienced in my life. I’m a survivor, and after surviving several unfortunate events in the past, I was operating as a version of myself that I no longer recognized. I wanted to give up. I reached a point where I realized that I needed to make a change and release that version of myself because I knew that that was not who I truly was.
In life, circumstances arise, and they will not always be in our favor. We, however, cannot let these circumstances stop us or deter us. We were born to excel. Throughout history women have excelled and achieved things that most people have never even dreamed about. I want to continue that legacy. I want women to know and understand that it is our God-designed purpose to be great. I want them to understand that God will use them despite the circumstances life has thrown at them.
Your value does not live in your experiences. Those experiences aid in helping us become the women we were created to be, but they do not define us. We can use those experiences and learn from them, but we do not let them overtake us. I desire to reach women from all backgrounds and walks of life to motivate and help them exceed the limitations they have placed on themselves. There is no limit on the God we serve and we know that with Him everything is possible (Matthew 19:26). Let’s walk into the women we have been called to become.

Book Evangelist Britney Willingham

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